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May 4, 2021

Aumni joins Fast Company's 2021 World Changing Ideas List

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I’m proud to announce today that Aumni was included in Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas as an Honorable Mention. This is a great honor and serves to underscore the phenomenal growth we have experienced.

Our submission highlights our approach to unlocking private capital data with a unique combination of artificial intelligence and human expertise. While trillions of dollars are invested in the private markets, the data underlying those transactions are trapped in dense and bespoke legal agreements. Unlike the public markets, only a small fraction of that data can be used by investors to make critical decisions. Aumni empowers its clients to access information across their entire portfolio in a few clicks, allowing investment teams to make faster and more informed decisions. According to the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), venture-backed startups represent over 2.2 million jobs in the U.S. and over $444 billion in invested dollars. Needless to say, private capital investors have a substantial impact on the U.S. and global economies.

Now in its fifth year, the World Changing Ideas Awards program showcases 33 winners, more than 400 finalists, and more than 800 honorable mentions—with Health and Wellness, AI & Data among the most popular categories. A panel of prominent Fast Company editors and reporters select winners and finalists from a pool of more than 4,000 entries across transportation, education, food, politics, technology, and other industries.

“There is no question our society and planet are facing deeply troubling times. So, it’s important to recognize organizations that are using their ingenuity, impact, design, scalability, and passion to solve these problems,” says Stephanie Mehta, editor-in-chief of Fast Company. “Our journalists, under the leadership of senior editor Morgan Clendaniel, have discovered some of the most groundbreaking projects that have launched since the start of 2020.”

I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished at Aumni in such a short time. None of this could be possible without the dedication and talent of our amazing team. I want to thank Fast Company for this recognition. I also want to thank our invaluable customers and phenomenal investors for all they have done to support our growth.


Tony Lewis

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